Friday, May 22, 2020

Top 12 Motivational Quotes

Reading quotes posted in social media somehow give us motivation on our daily life. It helps us open our eyes to the new hope and to understand our feelings. It also make us positive and worry free. 

So please, take time to read the top 12 motivational quotes and be motivated.

"Be patient , good things are coming your way"

"It all begins with you. If you do not care for yourself, you will not be strong enough to take care of anything in life." - Leon Brown

"We’ve all got stories to tell, we’re all dealing with our own issues…but what makes us all the same is that none of us are living this perfect life that everyone thinks we are." Rebecca Black

"Learning how to keep going when there is no light at the end of the tunnel, is going to be the best skill you ever had." - Derek Halpern

"I hope you find love but more importantly I hope you're strong enough to walk away from what love isn't." - Tiffany Tomiko

"When you’re in love, truly in love, you never have to question it." Michael Faudet

"Stop allowing people to infect your spirit with negativity and simple mindedness. You deserve the best so don't allow that mess."

"If you’re in a situation that doesn’t feel good to you, you don’t need to remain in that space. Clear your environment from negativity often."

"Pain is something everyone experiences and deals with daily. Don’t allow your pain to prevent you from your purpose."

"I am physically, mentally and emotionally ready to enter a new phase in my life. I’m ready to grow and get better."

"If you lost something or someone but you found yourself. YOU WON ."  -Paulo Coelho

It feels good when you can put a smile on someone’s face by simply being yourself.

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Top 12 Motivational Quotes

Reading quotes posted in social media somehow give us motivation on our daily life. It helps us open our eyes to the new hope and to underst...